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Social & Emotional Development

* I can complete self-help (personal care) tasks independently.

(Dressing, using restroom, washing hands, eating, wiping nose, and packing/unpacking backpack.)

* I can separate from parents

* I can play and work in groups with other children

* I can follow verbal directions

* I can clean up after myself

* I can use my words to express my thoughts and feelings

* I am respectful to my teacher and peers

* I can work independently

* I can follow 2 step directions

* I can listen when others speak at circle/group time

* I can finish my work in a timely manner

* I can identify my name, age and birth date

* I can recognize my name in print

* I can recite my full name


* I can identify all basic colors (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, black, brown, gray)

* I can identify all basic 8 shapes (circle, square, oval, diamond, rectangle, triangle, star, heart)

* I can count from 1-30

* I can identify numbers 1-29

* I can understand number order

* I can count numbers of objects (up to 10)

* I can measure with unifix cubes

* I can write numbers 1-20

* I can complete an AB pattern

* I can sort by color, size and shape

Language & Literacy

* I can identify at least 20 letters in the alphabet

* I can identify at least 10-15 letter sounds

* I can identify rhyming words

* I can identify syllables

* I can demonstrate an understanding of positional vocabulary (up, down, back, forward, side)

* I can give appropriate answers to questions

* I can identify the front & back of a book

* I can identify/recognize familiar words in a book/sign/logo

* I can sequence 3 picture cards

* I can respond to reading/viewings in a variety of ways, such as discussions, drawing, drama and painting

* I can observe, question, and investigate to explore and problem solve

Fine Motor Development

* I show an interest in writing

* I can use the correct pencil grip

* I can trace objects easily

* I can cut easily with scissors

* When printing, I can begin strokes at top

* I can write first and last name

* I can write some letters and numbers legibly

* I can manipulate small manipulatives (legos, cubes, etc.)

* I can draw myself with at least 4 body parts

* I can draw pictures to convey meaning

Gross Motor Development

* I can participate in physical activity

* I can walk up and down stairs alternating feet

* I can keep balance while standing on one foot

* I can jump on two feet

* I can catch a rolled ball

* I can throw a ball overhand

* I can walk backwards (toe to heel)

* I can skip

* I can demonstrate good sportsmanship

Religion & Pledges

* I can make the Sign of the Cross

* I can genuflect 

* I know what the Bible is

* I know God is the creator

* I know about Jesus (birth and miracles)

* I can recite the Our Father, before & after meal blessings 

* I have knowledge of religious holidays

* I can recite the Pledge of Allegiance

* I can recite the Holy Rosary School pledge

Kindergarten Prep academic goals: About Us


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